- beer chaser
- «прицеп»
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
chaser — n. 1) a submarine chaser 2) (misc.) (colloq.) an ambulance chaser (esp. AE) ( a lawyer who seeks clients among accident victims ); whiskey with a beer chaser ( whiskey served with a glass of beer ) * * * [ tʃeɪsə] whiskey with a beer chaser (… … Combinatory dictionary
chaser — 1. n. an alcoholic drink taken after a nonalcoholic one; beer, water, or some similar liquid drunk after a shot of hard liquor. (See also wash.) □ I could use a little chaser with this soda. □ I’d like a double scotch and a beer chaser. 2. Go to… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
chaser — chaser1 [chā′sər] n. [ CHASE1 + ER] 1. a person or thing that chases or hunts; pursuer 2. a gun formerly placed on the stern (stern chaser) or bow (bow chaser) of a ship, used during pursuit by or of another ship ☆ 3. a mild drink, as water,… … English World dictionary
chaser — [[t]tʃe͟ɪsə(r)[/t]] chasers N COUNT: oft n N A chaser is an alcoholic drink that you have after you have drunk a stronger or weaker alcoholic drink. ...whiskey with beer chasers … English dictionary
chaser — I. noun Date: 13th century 1. one that chases 2. a mild drink (as beer) taken after hard liquor II. noun Date: 1707 1. a skilled worker who produces ornamental chasing 2. a tool for cutting screw threads … New Collegiate Dictionary
chaser — chas·er || tʃeɪsÉ™ n. one who chases; drink taken after a shot of hard liquor (i.e. beer or water) … English contemporary dictionary
chaser — an intoxicant of a different kind from that just taken It follows the previous libation down the throat. Usually of beer after spirits or vice versa. Less often of a further portion of what you have been drinking … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
chaser — I. /ˈtʃeɪsə / (say chaysuh) noun 1. someone or something that chases or pursues. 2. a drink of water, beer, or other mild beverage taken after a drink of spirits. 3. Also, chase gun. a gun on a vessel especially for use when in chase or being… …
chaser — n. strong liquor drunk quickly after a weak drink such as beer … English slang
chaser — A second drink to follow the first (usu. spirits following, or alternating with, beer) … A concise dictionary of English slang
chaser — n. 1 a person or thing that chases. 2 a horse for steeplechasing. 3 colloq. a drink taken after another of a different kind, e.g. beer after spirits. 4 US colloq. an amorous pursuer of women … Useful english dictionary